Source code for pysparkling.stat_counter

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# This file is based on the PySpark version which in turn
# was ported from spark/util/StatCounter.scala

from __future__ import division

import copy
import math
import numbers
from collections import namedtuple

from pysparkling.sql.functions import parse
from pysparkling.sql.types import row_from_keyed_values

    from numpy import maximum, minimum, sqrt
except ImportError:
    maximum = max
    minimum = min
    sqrt = math.sqrt

[docs]class StatCounter(object): def __init__(self, values=None): self.n = 0 # Running count of our values = 0.0 # Running mean of our values self.m2 = 0.0 # Running variance numerator (sum of (x - mean)^2) self.maxValue = float("-inf") self.minValue = float("inf") if values: for v in values: self.merge(v) # Add a value into this StatCounter, updating the internal statistics. def merge(self, value): delta = value - self.n += 1 += delta / self.n self.m2 += delta * (value - self.maxValue = maximum(self.maxValue, value) self.minValue = minimum(self.minValue, value) return self # Merge another StatCounter into this one, adding up the # internal statistics. def mergeStats(self, other): if other is self: # reference equality holds # Avoid overwriting fields in a weird order return self.mergeStats(other.copy()) if self.n == 0: = self.m2 = other.m2 self.n = other.n self.maxValue = other.maxValue self.minValue = other.minValue elif other.n != 0: delta = - if other.n * 10 < self.n: = + (delta * other.n) / (self.n + other.n) elif self.n * 10 < other.n: = - (delta * self.n) / (self.n + other.n) else: = (( * self.n + * other.n) / (self.n + other.n)) self.maxValue = maximum(self.maxValue, other.maxValue) self.minValue = minimum(self.minValue, other.minValue) self.m2 += other.m2 + ((delta * delta * self.n * other.n) / (self.n + other.n)) self.n += other.n return self # Clone this StatCounter def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def count(self): return int(self.n) def mean(self): return def sum(self): return self.n * def min(self): return self.minValue def max(self): return self.maxValue # Return the variance of the values. def variance(self): if self.n == 0: return float('nan') return self.m2 / self.n # # Return the sample variance, which corrects for bias in estimating # the variance by dividing by N-1 instead of N. # def sampleVariance(self): if self.n <= 1: return float('nan') return self.m2 / (self.n - 1) # Return the standard deviation of the values. def stdev(self): return sqrt(self.variance()) # # Return the sample standard deviation of the values, which corrects for # bias in estimating the variance by dividing by N-1 instead of N. # def sampleStdev(self): return sqrt(self.sampleVariance()) def __repr__(self): return ("(count: %s, mean: %s, stdev: %s, max: %s, min: %s)" % (self.count(), self.mean(), self.stdev(), self.max(), self.min()))
PercentileStats = namedtuple("PercentileStats", ["value", "g", "delta"]) class ColumnStatHelper(object): """ This class is used to compute statistics on a column It computes basic statistics such as count, min, max, average, sample variance and sample standard deviation It also approximate percentiles with an implementation based, like Spark, on the algorithm proposed in the paper "Space-efficient Online Computation of Quantile Summaries" by Greenwald, Michael and Khanna, Sanjeev. ( The result of this algorithm has the following deterministic bound: If the DataFrame has N elements and if we request the quantile at probability `p` up to error `err`, then the algorithm will return a sample `x` from the DataFrame so that the *exact* rank of `x` is close to (p * N). More precisely: floor((p - err) * N) <= rank(x) <= ceil((p + err) * N). Its implementation for simple metrics differs from pysparkling.stat_counter.StatCounter in order to match Spark behaviour when computing stats on a dataset, among the discrepancies: - handle min and max for strings - return min and max as int when computed on int - name "stddev" the *sample* standard deviation metric """ def __init__(self, column, percentiles_relative_error=1 / 10000): self.column = column self.count = 0 self.sum_of_values = 0 self.m2 = 0 self.m3 = 0 self.m4 = 0 self.min_value = None self.max_value = None # Percentiles-related fields self.sampled = [] # List of PercentileStats self.head_sampled = [] # List acting as a buffer of the last added values self.head_max_size = 50000 # Buffer size after which buffer is added to sampled self.compression_threshold = 10000 # When to compress sampled self.percentiles_relative_error = percentiles_relative_error self.compressed = True def merge(self, row, schema): value = self.column.eval(row, schema) if value is not None: self.update_counters(value) if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): self.update_sample(value) return self def update_counters(self, value): if self.count != 0: self.min_value = min(self.min_value, value) self.max_value = max(self.max_value, value) else: self.min_value = value self.max_value = value try: self.update_moments(value) self.sum_of_values += value except TypeError: self.sum_of_values = None self.m2 = None self.m3 = None self.m4 = None self.count += 1 def update_moments(self, value): delta = value - self.mean if self.count > 0 else 0 deltaN = delta / (self.count + 1) self.m2 = self.m2 + delta * (delta - deltaN) delta2 = delta * delta deltaN2 = deltaN * deltaN self.m3 = self.m3 - 3 * deltaN * self.m2 + delta * (delta2 - deltaN2) self.m4 = (self.m4 - 4 * deltaN * self.m3 - 6 * deltaN2 * self.m2 + delta * (delta * delta2 - deltaN * deltaN2)) def update_sample(self, value): self.head_sampled.append(value) self.compressed = False if len(self.head_sampled) >= self.head_max_size: self.add_head_to_sample() if len(self.sampled) >= self.compression_threshold: self.compress() def add_head_to_sample(self): if not self.head_sampled: return count_without_head = self.count - len(self.head_sampled) sorted_head = sorted(self.head_sampled) new_samples = [] sample_idx = 0 for ops_idx, current_sample in enumerate(sorted_head): for s in self.sampled[sample_idx:]: if s.value <= current_sample: new_samples.append(s) sample_idx += 1 else: break count_without_head += 1 if not new_samples or ( sample_idx == len(self.sampled) and ops_idx == len(sorted_head) - 1 ): delta = 0 else: delta = math.floor(2 * self.percentiles_relative_error * count_without_head) new_samples.append(PercentileStats(value=current_sample, g=1, delta=delta)) new_samples += self.sampled[sample_idx:] self.sampled = new_samples self.head_sampled = [] self.compressed = False def compress(self): merge_threshold = self.merge_threshold() reverse_compressed_sample = [] head = self.sampled[-1] for sample1 in self.sampled[-2:0:-1]: if sample1.g + head.g + < merge_threshold: head = PercentileStats(value=head.value, g=head.g + sample1.g, else: reverse_compressed_sample.append(head) head = sample1 reverse_compressed_sample.append(head) current_head = self.sampled[0] if current_head.value <= head.value and len(self.sampled) > 1: reverse_compressed_sample.append(current_head) self.sampled = reverse_compressed_sample[::-1] self.compressed = True def merge_threshold(self): return 2 * self.percentiles_relative_error * self.count def finalize(self): if self.head_sampled: self.add_head_to_sample() if not self.compressed: self.compress() def mergeStats(self, other): """ :type other: ColumnStatHelper """ self.finalize() other.finalize() self.sampled = sorted(self.sampled + other.sampled) self.compress() if self.count == 0: self.max_value = other.max_value self.min_value = other.min_value elif other.count != 0: self.max_value = max(self.max_value, other.max_value) self.min_value = min(self.min_value, other.min_value) try: self.merge_moments(other) self.sum_of_values += other.sum_of_values except TypeError: self.sum_of_values = None self.m2 = None self.m3 = None self.m4 = None self.count += other.count return self def merge_moments(self, other): n1 = self.count n2 = other.count new_count = n1 + n2 delta = other.mean - self.mean deltaN = delta / new_count if new_count != 0 else 0 new_m2 = self.m2 + other.m2 + delta * deltaN * n1 * n2 new_m3 = (self.m3 + other.m3 + deltaN * deltaN * delta * n1 * n2 * (n1 - n2) + 3 * deltaN * (n1 * other.m2 - n2 * self.m2)) self.m4 = (self.m4 + other.m4 + deltaN * deltaN * deltaN * delta * n1 * n2 * (n1 * n1 - n1 * n2 + n2 * n2) + 6 * deltaN * deltaN * (n1 * n1 * other.m2 + n2 * n2 * self.m2) + 4 * deltaN * (n1 * other.m3 - n2 * self.m3)) self.m2 = new_m2 self.m3 = new_m3 def get_quantile(self, quantile): self.finalize() if not 0 <= quantile <= 1: raise ValueError("quantile must be between 0 and 1") if not self.sampled: return None if quantile <= self.percentiles_relative_error: return self.sampled[0].value if quantile >= 1 - self.percentiles_relative_error: return self.sampled[-1].value rank = math.ceil(quantile * self.count) target_error = self.percentiles_relative_error * self.count min_rank = 0 for cur_sample in self.sampled: min_rank += cur_sample.g max_rank = min_rank + if max_rank - target_error <= rank <= min_rank + target_error: return cur_sample.value return self.sampled[-1].value @property def mean(self): if self.count == 0 or self.sum_of_values is None: return None return self.sum_of_values / self.count @property def variance_pop(self): if self.count == 0 or self.sum_of_values is None: return None return self.m2 / self.count @property def variance_samp(self): if self.count <= 1 or self.sum_of_values is None: return None return self.m2 / (self.count - 1) @property def variance(self): if self.count == 0: return None return self.variance_samp @property def stddev_pop(self): if self.count == 0 or self.sum_of_values is None: return None return math.sqrt(self.variance_pop) @property def stddev_samp(self): if self.count <= 1 or self.sum_of_values is None: return None return math.sqrt(self.variance_samp) @property def stddev(self): if self.count == 0: return None return self.stddev_samp @property def min(self): if self.count == 0: return None return self.min_value @property def max(self): if self.count == 0: return None return self.max_value @property def sum(self): if self.count == 0: return None return self.sum_of_values @property def skewness(self): if self.count == 0: return None if self.m2 == 0: return float("nan") return math.sqrt(self.count) * self.m3 / math.sqrt(self.m2 * self.m2 * self.m2) @property def kurtosis(self): if self.count == 0: return None if self.m2 == 0: return float("nan") return self.count * self.m4 / (self.m2 * self.m2) - 3 class RowStatHelper(object): """ Class use to maintain one ColumnStatHelper for each Column found when aggregating a list of Rows """ def __init__(self, exprs, percentiles_relative_error=1 / 10000): self.percentiles_relative_error = percentiles_relative_error self.column_stat_helpers = {} self.cols = [parse(e) for e in exprs] if exprs else [parse("*")] # As python < 3.6 does not guarantee dict ordering # we need to keep track of in which order the columns were self.col_names = [] def merge(self, row, schema): for col in self.cols: for field in col.output_fields(schema): col_name = if col_name not in self.column_stat_helpers: self.column_stat_helpers[col_name] = ColumnStatHelper( parse(col_name), self.percentiles_relative_error ) self.col_names.append(col_name) self.column_stat_helpers[col_name].merge(row, schema) return self def mergeStats(self, other): """ :type other: RowStatHelper """ for col_name in other.col_names: counter = other.column_stat_helpers[col_name] if col_name in self.column_stat_helpers: self.column_stat_helpers[col_name] = ( self.column_stat_helpers[col_name].mergeStats(counter) ) else: self.column_stat_helpers[col_name] = counter self.col_names.append(col_name) return self def get_as_rows(self, stats=("count", "mean", "stddev", "min", "max")): """ Provide a list of Row with the same format as the one in the Dataset returned by Dataset.stats() """ return [ row_from_keyed_values( [ ("summary", stat) ] + [ (col_name, self.get_stat(self.column_stat_helpers[col_name], stat)) for col_name in self.col_names ] ) for stat in stats ] @staticmethod def get_stat(stats_counter, stat): if stat in ("count", "mean", "stddev", "min", "max"): value = getattr(stats_counter, stat) elif stat.endswith("%"): try: percentile = float(stat[:-1]) / 100 except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unable to parse {0} as a percentile".format(stat)) value = stats_counter.get_quantile(percentile) else: raise ValueError("{0} is not a recognised statistic".format(stat)) return RowStatHelper.format_stat(value) def get_col_quantile(self, col, quantile): if str(col) not in self.column_stat_helpers: raise Exception("Unable to get quantile for {0}".format(quantile)) quantile = self.column_stat_helpers[str(col)].get_quantile(quantile) return float(quantile) if quantile is not None else None @staticmethod def format_stat(stat): return str(stat) if stat is not None else None class CovarianceCounter(object): def __init__(self, method): if method != "pearson": raise ValueError( "Currently only the calculation of the Pearson Correlation " "coefficient is supported." ) self.xAvg = 0.0 # the mean of all examples seen so far in col1 self.yAvg = 0.0 # the mean of all examples seen so far in col2 self.Ck = 0.0 # the co-moment after k examples self.MkX = 0.0 # sum of squares of differences from the (current) mean for col1 self.MkY = 0.0 # sum of squares of differences from the (current) mean for col2 self.count = 0 # count of observed examples def add(self, x, y): deltaX = x - self.xAvg deltaY = y - self.yAvg self.count += 1 self.xAvg += deltaX / self.count self.yAvg += deltaY / self.count self.Ck += deltaX * (y - self.yAvg) self.MkX += deltaX * (x - self.xAvg) self.MkY += deltaY * (y - self.yAvg) return self def merge(self, other): """ Merge counters from other partitions. Formula can be found at: """ if other.count > 0: totalCount = self.count + other.count deltaX = self.xAvg - other.xAvg deltaY = self.yAvg - other.yAvg self.Ck += other.Ck + deltaX * deltaY * self.count / totalCount * other.count self.xAvg = (self.xAvg * self.count + other.xAvg * other.count) / totalCount self.yAvg = (self.yAvg * self.count + other.yAvg * other.count) / totalCount self.MkX += other.MkX + deltaX * deltaX * self.count / totalCount * other.count self.MkY += other.MkY + deltaY * deltaY * self.count / totalCount * other.count self.count = totalCount return self @property def covar_samp(self): """ Return the sample covariance for the observed examples """ if self.count <= 1: return None return self.Ck / (self.count - 1) @property def covar_pop(self): """ Return the sample covariance for the observed examples """ if self.count == 0: return None return self.Ck / self.count @property def pearson_correlation(self): return self.Ck / math.sqrt(self.MkX * self.MkY)