Source code for pysparkling.context


from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import logging
import pickle
import struct
import time
import traceback

from . import __version__ as PYSPARKLING_VERSION
from .broadcast import Broadcast
from . import accumulators
from .cache_manager import CacheManager
from .exceptions import ContextIsLockedException
from .fileio import File, TextFile
from .partition import Partition
from .rdd import RDD, EmptyRDD
from .task_context import TaskContext

# Python 2 compatibility
if not hasattr(time, 'perf_counter'):
    try:  # Python 2
        time.perf_counter = time.clock
    except AttributeError:  # Unexpected
        raise Exception("`time`should contain either clock (py2) or perf_counter (py3)")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def unit_fn(arg):
    """Used as dummy serializer and deserializer."""
    return arg

def _run_task(task_context, rdd, func, partition):
    """Run a task, aka compute a partition.

    :param TaskContext task_context: this task context
    :param RDD rdd: rdd this partition is a part of
    :param func: a function
    :param Partition partition: partition to process
    task_context.attempt_number += 1

    log.debug('Running stage {} for partition {} of {} (id: {}).'

        return func(task_context, rdd.compute(partition, task_context))
    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        log.warning('Attempt {} failed for partition {} of {} (id: {}): {}'
                    ''.format(task_context.attempt_number, partition.index,
                    ,, traceback.format_exc()))

        if task_context.attempt_number == task_context.max_retries:
            log.error('Partition {} of {} failed.'
            if not task_context.catch_exceptions:
                raise e

    if task_context.retry_wait:
    return _run_task(task_context, rdd, func, partition)

def runJob_map(i):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    (deserializer, data_serializer, data_deserializer,
     serialized_func_rdd, serialized_task_context,
     serialized_data) = i

    t_start = time.perf_counter()
    func, rdd = deserializer(serialized_func_rdd)
    t_deserialize_func = time.perf_counter() - t_start

    t_start = time.perf_counter()
    partition = data_deserializer(serialized_data)
    t_deserialize_data = time.perf_counter() - t_start

    t_start = time.perf_counter()
    task_context = deserializer(serialized_task_context)
    cm_state = task_context.cache_manager.stored_idents()
    t_deserialize_task_context = time.perf_counter() - t_start

    t_start = time.perf_counter()
    result = _run_task(task_context, rdd, func, partition)
    t_exec = time.perf_counter() - t_start

    return data_serializer((
            'map_deserialize_func': t_deserialize_func,
            'map_deserialize_task_context': t_deserialize_task_context,
            'map_deserialize_data': t_deserialize_data,
            'map_exec': t_exec,

[docs]class Context(object): """Context object similar to a Spark Context. The variable `_stats` contains measured timing information about data and function (de)serialization and workload execution to benchmark your jobs. :param pool: An instance with a ``map(func, iterable)`` method. :param serializer: Serializer for functions. Examples are `pickle.dumps` and `cloudpickle.dumps`. :param deserializer: Deserializer for functions. For example `pickle.loads`. :param data_serializer: Serializer for the data. :param data_deserializer: Deserializer for the data. :param int max_retries: maximum number a partition is retried :param float retry_wait: seconds to wait between retries :param cache_manager: custom cache manager (like `TimedCacheManager`) :param catch_exceptions: whether to catch and silence user space exceptions """ __last_rdd_id = 0 def __init__(self, pool=None, serializer=None, deserializer=None, data_serializer=None, data_deserializer=None, max_retries=3, retry_wait=0.0, cache_manager=None, catch_exceptions=False): if pool is None: pool = DummyPool() if serializer is None: serializer = unit_fn if deserializer is None: deserializer = unit_fn if data_serializer is None: data_serializer = unit_fn if data_deserializer is None: data_deserializer = unit_fn self.max_retries = max_retries self.retry_wait = retry_wait self._cache_manager = cache_manager or CacheManager() self._catch_exceptions = catch_exceptions self._pool = pool self._serializer = serializer self._deserializer = deserializer self._data_serializer = data_serializer self._data_deserializer = data_deserializer self._s3_conn = None self._stats = defaultdict(float) self.locked = False self.version = PYSPARKLING_VERSION def __getstate__(self): r = {k: v if k not in ('_pool',) else None for k, v in self.__dict__.items()} return r def broadcast(self, x): return Broadcast(self, x)
[docs] def accumulator(self, value, accum_param=None): """ Create an ``Accumulator`` with the given initial value, using a given ``AccumulatorParam`` helper object to define how to add values of the data type if provided. Default AccumulatorParams are used for integers and floating-point numbers if you do not provide one. For other types, a custom AccumulatorParam can be used. """ if not isinstance(self._pool, DummyPool): raise NotImplementedError('Accumulators are not yet compatible with multiprocessing') if accum_param is None: if isinstance(value, int): accum_param = accumulators.INT_ACCUMULATOR_PARAM elif isinstance(value, float): accum_param = accumulators.FLOAT_ACCUMULATOR_PARAM elif isinstance(value, complex): accum_param = accumulators.COMPLEX_ACCUMULATOR_PARAM else: raise TypeError("No default accumulator param for type {0}".format(type(value))) return accumulators.Accumulator(value, accum_param)
def newRddId(self): Context.__last_rdd_id += 1 return Context.__last_rdd_id @property def defaultParallelism(self): return 1
[docs] def parallelize(self, x, numSlices=None): """Parallelize x. :param x: An iterable (e.g. a list) that represents the data. :param int numSlices: The number of partitions the data should be split into. A partition is a unit of data that is processed at a time. :rtype: RDD """ if numSlices is None or numSlices <= 1: return RDD([Partition(x, 0)], self) x_len_iter, x = itertools.tee(x, 2) len_x = sum(1 for _ in x_len_iter) def partitioned(): for i in range(numSlices): start = int(i * len_x / numSlices) end = int((i + 1) * len_x / numSlices) if i + 1 == numSlices: end += 1 yield itertools.islice(x, end - start) return self._parallelize_partitions(partitioned())
def _parallelize_partitions(self, partitions): """Helper to parallelize partitions. :param partitions: An iterable over the partitioned data. :rtype: RDD """ return RDD( (Partition(p_data, i) for i, p_data in enumerate(partitions)), self, )
[docs] def pickleFile(self, name, minPartitions=None): """Read a pickle file. Reads files created with :func:`RDD.saveAsPickleFile()` into an RDD. :param name: Location of a file. Can include schemes like ``http://``, ``s3://`` and ``file://``, wildcard characters ``?`` and ``*`` and multiple expressions separated by ``,``. :param minPartitions: (optional) By default, every file is a partition, but this option allows to split these further. :rtype: RDD Example with a serialized list: >>> import pickle >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> tmpFile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) >>> tmpFile.close() >>> with open(, 'wb') as f: ... pickle.dump(['hello', 'world'], f) >>> Context().pickleFile([0] == 'hello' True """ resolved_names = File.resolve_filenames(name) log.debug('pickleFile() resolved "{0}" to {1} files.' ''.format(name, len(resolved_names))) n_partitions = len(resolved_names) if minPartitions and minPartitions > n_partitions: n_partitions = minPartitions rdd_filenames = self.parallelize(sorted(resolved_names), n_partitions) rdd = rdd_filenames.flatMap( lambda f_name: pickle.load(File(f_name).load()) ) rdd._name = name return rdd
[docs] def runJob(self, rdd, func, partitions=None, allowLocal=False, resultHandler=None): """This function is used by methods in the RDD. Note that the maps are only inside generators and the resultHandler needs to take care of executing the ones that it needs. In other words, if you need everything to be executed, the resultHandler needs to be at least ``lambda x: list(x)`` to trigger execution of the generators. :param func: Map function with signature func(TaskContext, Iterator over elements). :param partitions: List of partitions that are involved. `None` means the map job is applied to all partitions. :param allowLocal: Allows local execution. :param resultHandler: Process the result from the maps. :returns: Result of resultHandler. :rtype: list """ if not partitions: partitions = rdd.partitions() # acquire lock if self.locked: raise ContextIsLockedException self.locked = True # this is the place to insert proper schedulers if allowLocal or isinstance(self._pool, DummyPool): map_result = self._runJob_local(rdd, func, partitions) else: map_result = self._runJob_distributed(rdd, func, partitions) result = (resultHandler(map_result) if resultHandler is not None else list(map_result)) # release lock self.locked = False return result
def _runJob_local(self, rdd, func, partitions): for partition in partitions: task_context = TaskContext( cache_manager=self._cache_manager, catch_exceptions=self._catch_exceptions, stage_id=0, partition_id=partition.index, max_retries=self.max_retries, retry_wait=self.retry_wait, ) yield _run_task(task_context, rdd, func, partition) def _runJob_distributed(self, rdd, func, partitions): serialized_func_rdd = self._serializer((func, rdd)) def prepare(partition): t_start = time.perf_counter() cm_clone = self._cache_manager.clone_contains( lambda i: i[1] == partition.index) self._stats['driver_cache_clone'] += time.perf_counter() - t_start t_start = time.perf_counter() task_context = TaskContext( cache_manager=cm_clone, catch_exceptions=self._catch_exceptions, stage_id=0, partition_id=partition.index, max_retries=self.max_retries, retry_wait=self.retry_wait, ) serialized_task_context = self._serializer(task_context) self._stats['driver_serialize_task_context'] += time.perf_counter() - t_start t_start = time.perf_counter() serialized_partition = self._data_deserializer(partition) self._stats['driver_serialize_data'] += time.perf_counter() - t_start return ( self._deserializer, self._data_serializer, self._data_deserializer, serialized_func_rdd, serialized_task_context, serialized_partition, ) prepared_partitions = (prepare(p) for p in partitions) for d in, prepared_partitions): t_start = time.perf_counter() map_result, cache_result, s = self._data_deserializer(d) self._stats['driver_deserialize_data'] += time.perf_counter() - t_start # join cache t_start = time.perf_counter() self._cache_manager.join(cache_result) self._stats['driver_cache_join'] += time.perf_counter() - t_start # collect stats for k, v in s.items(): self._stats[k] += v yield map_result
[docs] def binaryFiles(self, path, minPartitions=None): """Read a binary file into an RDD. :param path: Location of a file. Can include schemes like ``http://``, ``s3://`` and ``file://``, wildcard characters ``?`` and ``*`` and multiple expressions separated by ``,``. :param minPartitions: (optional) By default, every file is a partition, but this option allows to split these further. :rtype: RDD .. warning:: Not part of PySpark API. Setting up examples: >>> import os, pysparkling >>> from backports import tempfile >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> decode = lambda bstring: bstring.decode() Example with whole file: >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: ... with open(os.path.join(tmp, 'test.b'), 'wb') as f: ... _ = f.write(b'bellobello') ... sc.binaryFiles(tmp+'*').values().map(decode).collect() ['bellobello'] """ resolved_names = File.resolve_filenames(path) log.debug('binaryFile() resolved "{0}" to {1} files.' ''.format(path, len(resolved_names))) n_partitions = len(resolved_names) if minPartitions and minPartitions > n_partitions: n_partitions = minPartitions rdd_filenames = self.parallelize(sorted(resolved_names), n_partitions) rdd = f_name: (f_name, File(f_name).load().read())) rdd._name = path return rdd
[docs] def binaryRecords(self, path, recordLength=None): """Read a binary file into an RDD. :param path: Location of a file. Can include schemes like ``http://``, ``s3://`` and ``file://``, wildcard characters ``?`` and ``*`` and multiple expressions separated by ``,``. :param recordLength: If `None` every file is a record, ``int`` means fixed length records and a ``string`` is used as a format string to ``struct`` to read the length of variable length binary records. :rtype: RDD .. warning:: Only an ``int`` recordLength is part of the PySpark API. Setting up examples: >>> import os, pysparkling >>> from backports import tempfile >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> decode = lambda bstring: bstring.decode() Example with whole file: >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: ... with open(os.path.join(tmp, 'test.b'), 'wb') as f: ... _ = f.write(b'bellobello') ... sc.binaryRecords(tmp+'*').map(decode).collect() ['bellobello'] Example with fixed length records: >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: ... with open(os.path.join(tmp, 'test.b'), 'wb') as f: ... _ = f.write(b'bellobello') ... sc.binaryRecords(tmp+'*', recordLength=5).map(decode).collect() ['bello', 'bello'] Example with variable length records: >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: ... with open(os.path.join(tmp, 'test.b'), 'wb') as f: ... _ = f.write(struct.pack('<I', 5) + b'bello') ... _ = f.write(struct.pack('<I', 10) + b'bellobello') ... (sc.binaryRecords(tmp+'*', recordLength='<I') ... .map(decode).collect()) ['bello', 'bellobello'] """ rdd = self.binaryFiles(path).values() if recordLength is None: pass elif isinstance(recordLength, int): chunker = FixedLengthChunker(recordLength) rdd = rdd.flatMap(chunker) else: chunker = VariableLengthChunker(recordLength) rdd = rdd.flatMap(chunker) rdd._name = path return rdd
[docs] def textFile(self, filename, minPartitions=None, use_unicode=True): """Read a text file into an RDD. :param filename: Location of a file. Can include schemes like ``http://``, ``s3://`` and ``file://``, wildcard characters ``?`` and ``*`` and multiple expressions separated by ``,``. :param minPartitions: (optional) By default, every file is a partition, but this option allows to split these further. :param use_unicode: (optional, default=True) Use ``utf8`` if ``True`` and ``ascii`` if ``False``. :rtype: RDD """ resolved_names = TextFile.resolve_filenames(filename) log.debug('textFile() resolved "{0}" to {1} files.' ''.format(filename, len(resolved_names))) n_partitions = len(resolved_names) if minPartitions and minPartitions > n_partitions: n_partitions = minPartitions encoding = 'utf8' if use_unicode else 'ascii' rdd_filenames = self.parallelize(sorted(resolved_names), n_partitions) rdd = rdd_filenames.flatMap( lambda f_name: TextFile(f_name).load(encoding=encoding).read().splitlines() ) rdd._name = filename return rdd
[docs] def union(self, rdds): """Create a union of rdds. :param rdds: Iterable of RDDs. :rtype: RDD """ if all(isinstance(rdd, EmptyRDD) for rdd in rdds): return EmptyRDD(self) return self.parallelize( (x for rdd in rdds for x in rdd.collect()) )
[docs] def wholeTextFiles(self, path, minPartitions=None, use_unicode=True): """Read text files into an RDD of pairs of file name and file content. :param path: Location of the files. Can include schemes like ``http://``, ``s3://`` and ``file://``, wildcard characters ``?`` and ``*`` and multiple expressions separated by ``,``. :param minPartitions: (optional) By default, every file is a partition, but this option allows to split these further. :param use_unicode: (optional, default=True) Use ``utf8`` if ``True`` and ``ascii`` if ``False``. :rtype: RDD """ resolved_names = TextFile.resolve_filenames(path) log.debug('wholeTextFiles() resolved "{0}" to {1} files.' ''.format(path, len(resolved_names))) n_partitions = len(resolved_names) if minPartitions and minPartitions > n_partitions: n_partitions = minPartitions encoding = 'utf8' if use_unicode else 'ascii' rdd_filenames = self.parallelize( [(f_name, encoding) for f_name in sorted(resolved_names)], n_partitions, ) rdd = rdd._name = path return rdd
class DummyPool(object): def __init__(self): pass def map(self, f, input_list): return (f(x) for x in input_list) def close(self): pass def shutdown(self): pass # pickle-able helpers def map_whole_text_file(f_name__encoding): f_name, encoding = f_name__encoding return ( f_name, TextFile(f_name).load(encoding=encoding).read(), ) class FixedLengthChunker(object): def __init__(self, recordLength): self.record_length = recordLength def __call__(self, data): for i in range(0, len(data), self.record_length): yield data[i: i + self.record_length] class VariableLengthChunker(object): def __init__(self, recordLength): self.length_fmt = recordLength self.prefix_length = struct.calcsize(recordLength) def __call__(self, data): while data: prefix, data = data[:self.prefix_length], data[self.prefix_length:] length = struct.unpack(self.length_fmt, prefix)[0] package, data = data[:length], data[length:] yield package