Source code for pysparkling.streaming.dstream

from __future__ import print_function

import logging
import operator

from ..rdd import EmptyRDD

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DStream(object): """A discrete stream of RDDs. Usually a DStream is created by a :class:`pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext` method like :func:`pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext.queueStream` and then operated on with the methods below. :param jdstream: previous stream :param StreamingContext ssc: the streaming context :param jrdd_deserializer: a deserializer callable """ def __init__(self, jdstream, ssc, jrdd_deserializer=None): self._stream = jdstream self._context = ssc self._jrdd_deserializer = jrdd_deserializer self._current_time = 0.0 self._current_rdd = None ssc._add_dstream(self) def _step(self, time_): if time_ <= self._current_time: return self._current_time = time_ if self._jrdd_deserializer is None: self._current_rdd = self._stream.get() else: self._current_rdd = self._jrdd_deserializer(self._stream.get())
[docs] def cache(self): """Cache RDDs. :rtype: DStream """ return self.transform(lambda rdd: rdd.cache())
[docs] def cogroup(self, other, numPartitions=None): """Apply cogroup to RDDs of this and other DStream. :param DStream other: another DStream :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> s1 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 4), ('b', 2)], [('c', 7)]]) >>> s2 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 1), ('b', 3)], [('c', 8)]]) >>> s1.cogroup(s2).foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) [('a', [[4], [1]]), ('b', [[2], [3]])] [('c', [[7], [8]])] """ return CogroupedDStream(self, other, numPartitions)
[docs] def context(self): """Return the StreamContext of this stream. :rtype: StreamingContext """ return self._context
[docs] def count(self): """Count elements per RDD. Creates a new RDD stream where each RDD has a single entry that is the count of the elements. :rtype: DStream """ return ( self .mapPartitions(lambda p: [sum(1 for _ in p)]) .reduce(operator.add) )
[docs] def countByValue(self): """Apply countByValue to every RDD.abs :rtype: DStream .. warning:: Implemented as a local operation. Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([[1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 2]]) ... .countByValue() ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.15) [(1, 2), (2, 1), (5, 3)] """ return self.transform( lambda rdd: self._context._context.parallelize( rdd.countByValue().items()))
[docs] def countByWindow(self, windowDuration, slideDuration=None): """Applies count() after window(). :param float windowDuration: multiple of batch interval :param float slideDuration: multiple of batch interval :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([[1, 1, 5], [5, 5, 2, 4], [1, 2]]) ... .countByWindow(0.2) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(rdd.collect())) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.35) [3] [7] [6] """ return self.window(windowDuration, slideDuration).count()
[docs] def filter(self, f): """Filter elements. :param f: filter function :rtype: DStream """ return self.transform(lambda rdd: rdd.filter(f))
[docs] def flatMap(self, f, preservesPartitioning=False): """Apply function f and flatten. :param f: mapping function :rtype: DStream """ return self.mapPartitions( lambda p: (e for pp in p for e in f(pp)), preservesPartitioning, )
[docs] def flatMapValues(self, f): """Apply f to each value of a key-value pair. :param f: map function :rtype: DStream """ return self.transform(lambda rdd: rdd.flatMapValues(f))
[docs] def foreachRDD(self, func): """Apply func. :param func: Function to apply. """ self.transform(func)
[docs] def fullOuterJoin(self, other, numPartitions=None): """Apply fullOuterJoin to each pair of RDDs. :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> s1 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 4), ('b', 2)], [('c', 7)]]) >>> s2 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 1), ('b', 3)], [('c', 8)]]) >>> ( ... s1.fullOuterJoin(s2) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) [('a', (4, 1)), ('b', (2, 3))] [('c', (7, 8))] Example with repeated keys: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> s1 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 4), ('a', 2)], [('c', 7)]]) >>> s2 = ssc.queueStream([[('b', 1)], [('c', 8)]]) >>> ( ... s1.fullOuterJoin(s2) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) [('a', (2, None)), ('a', (4, None)), ('b', (None, 1))] [('c', (7, 8))] """ return CogroupedDStream(self, other, numPartitions, op='fullOuterJoin')
[docs] def groupByKey(self): """group by key :rtype: DStream """ return self.transform(lambda rdd: rdd.groupByKey())
[docs] def join(self, other, numPartitions=None): """Apply join to each pair of RDDs. :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> s1 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 4), ('e', 2)], [('c', 7)]]) >>> s2 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 1), ('b', 3)], [('c', 8)]]) >>> ( ... s1.join(s2) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) [('a', (4, 1))] [('c', (7, 8))] """ return CogroupedDStream(self, other, numPartitions, op='join')
[docs] def leftOuterJoin(self, other, numPartitions=None): """Apply leftOuterJoin to each pair of RDDs. :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> s1 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 4), ('e', 2)], [('c', 7)]]) >>> s2 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 1), ('b', 3)], [('c', 8)]]) >>> ( ... s1.leftOuterJoin(s2) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) [('a', (4, 1)), ('e', (2, None))] [('c', (7, 8))] """ return CogroupedDStream(self, other, numPartitions, op='leftOuterJoin')
[docs] def map(self, f, preservesPartitioning=False): """Apply function f :param f: mapping function :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([[4], [2], [7]]) ... .map(lambda e: e + 1) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(rdd.collect())) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.35) [5] [3] [8] """ return self.mapPartitions( lambda p: (f(e) for e in p), preservesPartitioning, )
[docs] def mapPartitions(self, f, preservesPartitioning=False): """Map partitions. :param f: mapping function :rtype: DStream """ return self.mapPartitionsWithIndex(lambda i, p: f(p), preservesPartitioning)
[docs] def mapPartitionsWithIndex(self, f, preservesPartitioning=False): """Apply a map function that takes an index and the data. Map partitions with a function that takes the partition index and an iterator over the partition data as arguments. :param f: mapping function :rtype: DStream """ return self.transform( lambda rdd: rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(f, preservesPartitioning) )
[docs] def mapValues(self, f): """Apply ``f`` to every element. :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([[('a', 4)], [('b', 2)], [('c', 7)]]) ... .mapValues(lambda e: e + 1) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(rdd.collect())) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.35) [('a', 5)] [('b', 3)] [('c', 8)] """ return self.transform(lambda rdd: rdd.mapValues(f))
[docs] def pprint(self, num=10): """Print the first ``num`` elements of each RDD. :param int num: Set number of elements to be printed. """ def pprint_map(time_, rdd): print('>>> Time: {}'.format(time_)) data = rdd.take(num + 1) for d in data[:num]: print(d) if len(data) > num: print('...') print('') self.foreachRDD(pprint_map)
[docs] def reduce(self, func): """Return a new DStream where each RDD was reduced with ``func``. :rtype: DStream """ # avoid RDD.reduce() which does not return an RDD return self.transform( lambda rdd: ( rdd .map(lambda i: (None, i)) .reduceByKey(func) .map(lambda none_i: none_i[1]) ) )
[docs] def reduceByKey(self, func, numPartitions=None): """Apply reduceByKey to every RDD. :param func: reduce function to apply :param int numPartitions: number of partitions :rtype: DStream """ return self.transform(lambda rdd: rdd.reduceByKey(func))
[docs] def repartition(self, numPartitions): """Repartition every RDD. :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([['hello', 'world']]) ... .repartition(2) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(len(rdd.partitions()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) 2 0 """ return self.transform( lambda rdd: (rdd.repartition(numPartitions) if not isinstance(rdd, EmptyRDD) else rdd) )
[docs] def rightOuterJoin(self, other, numPartitions=None): """Apply rightOuterJoin to each pair of RDDs. :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> s1 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 4), ('e', 2)], [('c', 7)]]) >>> s2 = ssc.queueStream([[('a', 1), ('b', 3)], [('c', 8)]]) >>> ( ... s1.rightOuterJoin(s2) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) [('a', (4, 1)), ('b', (None, 3))] [('c', (7, 8))] """ return CogroupedDStream(self, other, numPartitions, op='rightOuterJoin')
[docs] def saveAsTextFiles(self, prefix, suffix=None): """Save every RDD as a text file (or sets of text files). :param string prefix: path prefix of the output :param string suffix: file suffix (e.g. '.gz' to enable compression) Example: >>> from backports import tempfile >>> import os, pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ... ( ... ssc.queueStream([['hello', 'world'], [1, 2]]) ... .saveAsTextFiles(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'textout')) ... ) ... ssc.start() ... ssc.awaitTermination(0.25) ... result = sc.textFile(tmp_dir + '*').collect() >>> result ['hello', 'world', '1', '2'] """ self.foreachRDD( lambda time_, rdd: rdd.saveAsTextFile('{}-{:.0f}{}'.format( prefix, time_ * 1000, suffix if suffix is not None else '')) )
[docs] def slice(self, begin, end): """Filter RDDs to between begin and end. :param datetime.datetime|int begin: datetiem or unix timestamp :param datetime.datetime|int end: datetiem or unix timestamp :rtype: DStream """ return self.transform(lambda time_, rdd: rdd if begin <= time_ <= end else EmptyRDD(self._context._context))
[docs] def transform(self, func): """Return a new DStream where each RDD is transformed by ``f``. :param f: Function that transforms an RDD. :rtype: DStream """ if func.__code__.co_argcount == 1: one_arg_func = func func = lambda _, rdd: one_arg_func(rdd) return TransformedDStream(self, func)
[docs] def transformWith(self, func, other, keepSerializer=False): """Return a new DStream where each RDD is transformed by ``f``. :param f: transformation function :rtype: DStream The transformation function can have arguments ``(time, rdd_a, rdd_b)`` or ``(rdd_a, rdd_b)``. """ if func.__code__.co_argcount == 2: two_arg_func = func func = lambda _, rdd_a, rdd_b: two_arg_func(rdd_a, rdd_b) return TransformedWithDStream(self, func, other)
[docs] def union(self, other): """Union of two DStreams. :param DStream other: Another DStream. Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.1) >>> odd = ssc.queueStream([[1], [3], [5]]) >>> even = ssc.queueStream([[2], [4], [6]]) >>> ( ... odd.union(even) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(rdd.collect())) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.35) [1, 2] [3, 4] [5, 6] """ def union_rdds(rdd_a, rdd_b): return self._context._context.union((rdd_a, rdd_b)) return self.transformWith(union_rdds, other)
[docs] def updateStateByKey(self, func): """Process with state. :param func: Evaluated per key. Takes list of input_values and a state. :rtype: DStream This example shows how to return the latest value per key: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.2) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([[('a', 1), ('b', 3)], [('a', 2), ('c', 4)]]) ... .updateStateByKey(lambda input_values, state: ... state ... if not input_values ... else input_values[-1]) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.5) [('a', 1), ('b', 3)] [('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('c', 4)] This example counts values per key: >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.2) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([[('a', 1)], [('a', 2), ('b', 4), ('b', 3)]]) ... .updateStateByKey(lambda input_values, state: ... (state if state is not None else 0) + ... sum(input_values)) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(sorted(rdd.collect()))) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(0.5) [('a', 1)] [('a', 3), ('b', 7)] """ return StatefulDStream(self, func)
[docs] def window(self, windowDuration, slideDuration=None): """Windowed RDD. :param float windowDuration: multiple of batching interval :param float slideDuration: multiple of batching interval :rtype: DStream Example: >>> import pysparkling >>> sc = pysparkling.Context() >>> ssc = pysparkling.streaming.StreamingContext(sc, 0.2) >>> ( ... ssc ... .queueStream([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]]) ... .window(0.6) ... .foreachRDD(lambda rdd: print(rdd.collect())) ... ) >>> ssc.start() >>> ssc.awaitTermination(1.3) [1] [1, 2] [1, 2, 3] [2, 3, 4] [3, 4, 5] [4, 5, 6] """ return WindowedDStream(self, windowDuration, slideDuration)
class TransformedDStream(DStream): def __init__(self, prev, func): super(TransformedDStream, self).__init__(prev._stream, prev._context) self._prev = prev self._func = func def _step(self, time_): if time_ <= self._current_time: return self._prev._step(time_) self._current_time = time_ self._current_rdd = self._func(time_, self._prev._current_rdd) class TransformedWithDStream(DStream): def __init__(self, prev, func, other_prev): super(TransformedWithDStream, self).__init__( prev._stream, prev._context) self._prev = prev self._func = func self._other_prev = other_prev def _step(self, time_): if time_ <= self._current_time: return self._prev._step(time_) self._other_prev._step(time_) self._current_time = time_ self._current_rdd = self._func(time_, self._prev._current_rdd, self._other_prev._current_rdd) class WindowedDStream(DStream): def __init__(self, prev, windowDuration, slideDuration=None): super(WindowedDStream, self).__init__(prev._stream, prev._context) if slideDuration is None: slideDuration = self._context.batch_duration self._prev = prev self._window_duration = int(round( windowDuration / self._context.batch_duration)) self._slide_duration = int(round( slideDuration / self._context.batch_duration)) self._slide_counter = 0 self._window = [] def _step(self, time_): if time_ <= self._current_time: return self._prev._step(time_) self._window.append(self._prev._current_rdd) # window duration while len(self._window) > self._window_duration: self._window.pop(0) # slide duration self._slide_counter = (self._slide_counter + 1) % self._slide_duration if self._slide_counter != 0: return self._current_time = time_ self._current_rdd = self._context._context.union(self._window) class CogroupedDStream(DStream): def __init__(self, prev1, prev2, numPartitions=None, op='cogroup'): super(CogroupedDStream, self).__init__(prev1._stream, prev1._context) self._prev1 = prev1 self._prev2 = prev2 self._num_partitions = numPartitions self._op = op def _step(self, time_): if time_ <= self._current_time: return self._prev1._step(time_) self._prev2._step(time_) self._current_time = time_ self._current_rdd = getattr(self._prev1._current_rdd, self._op)( self._prev2._current_rdd, self._num_partitions) class StatefulDStream(DStream): def __init__(self, prev, state_update_fn): super(StatefulDStream, self).__init__(prev._stream, prev._context) self._prev = prev self._func = state_update_fn self._state_rdd = EmptyRDD(self._context._context) def convert_fn(self, joined): input_values, state_list = joined state = state_list[-1] if len(state_list) > 0 else None return self._func(input_values, state) def _step(self, time_): if time_ <= self._current_time: return self._prev._step(time_) self._current_time = time_ combined = self._prev._current_rdd.cogroup(self._state_rdd) self._state_rdd = combined.mapValues(self.convert_fn) self._current_rdd = self._state_rdd